Empowering Residents, Elevating Experiences

Complaint Management System

Imagine a smart system designed to handle complaints effortlessly. This system is perfect for places like apartment buildings, housing societies, colonies, and companies. Its primary goal is to efficiently manage complaints, ensuring quick resolution by assigning the right people to fix the issues. The ultimate aim is to provide an outstanding experience for tenants or customers, making the entire process seamless and satisfactory.
Empowering Residents, Elevating Experiences

Complaint Management System

Imagine a smart system designed to handle complaints effortlessly. This system is perfect for places like apartment buildings, housing societies, colonies, and companies. Its primary goal is to efficiently manage complaints, ensuring quick resolution by assigning the right people to fix the issues. The ultimate aim is to provide an outstanding experience for tenants or customers, making the entire process seamless and satisfactory.

Our Vision

Never miss any complaint

The system is designed to ensure that no complaint goes unnoticed. Its robust functionality includes mechanisms to capture and address every complaint promptly, preventing any oversight or omission. This feature guarantees that all concerns are acknowledged and attended to, contributing to a comprehensive and responsive complaint management process.

QCMS by Crisant is the simple, intuitive and powerful application to manage Quarter Complaints. This Intelligent application categorizes & prioritizes the complaints, provide real-time complaint status to tenants and thus providing the exceptional user experience.

The application is specially designed for Indian Railways quarters and is scalable to any residential / commercial buildings with multiple departments.

Tenants use the mobile app to report complaints, and instant acknowledgments are provided once a complaint is submitted.


If any complaint goes unnoticed, predefined escalation metrics will automatically notify the management for prompt attention.


Stakeholders receive immediate notifications upon complaint receipt, with an option to swiftly assign an artisan based on severity.


Once an artisan is assigned, they will receive comprehensive complaint details to address the issue, ensuring closure within a specified timeline.

Why CMS ?

Seamless Solutions
for Happy Living

Revolutionizing tenant experience, our system enables effortless complaint reporting, quick issue resolution, and transparent communication. With instant acknowledgments and efficient artisan assignments, it ensures a hassle-free, positive living experience.
Efficient Complaint
Tenant Experience
Issue Management
Decision Making
Cost and Resource

Salient features

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